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Teeth Whitening | Treatment Choices & Considerations

what is the best teeth whitening product

Teeth Whitening

A bright and radiant smile is a valuable asset that can improve your confidence and overall appearance. However, age, genetics, and lifestyle habits can cause tooth discolouration, leading many people to seek teeth whitening treatments. With so many teeth whitening products and techniques available, choosing the best one for your needs can be overwhelming. In this article, we’ll compare some of the most common teeth whitening techniques and discuss their advantages and disadvantages. We will also examine key considerations in deciding if whitening treatment is right for you.

Comparing Different Teeth Whitening Techniques

In-surgery Teeth Whitening

In-surgery professional teeth whitening is a popular and effective method for achieving a brighter smile. A dental professional performs this treatment and uses a high-concentration hydrogen peroxide gel and a special light or laser to accelerate the whitening process. In-surgery treatments typically produce faster and more dramatic results but are also more expensive and may cause temporary tooth sensitivity.

At-Home Whitening Trays

At-home whitening trays are custom-fitted trays filled with a peroxide-based gel and worn for several hours a day or overnight. At-home teeth whitening kits are less expensive than in-office treatments and can be done at your convenience, but they may take longer to produce results and can cause tooth sensitivity.

Whitening Strips

Whitening strips are thin, flexible strips coated with a peroxide-based gel that adheres to the teeth. They are typically worn for 30 minutes a day for several weeks. Whitening strips are easy to use and can be purchased over the counter, but they may not be as effective as other methods and can cause tooth sensitivity.

Whitening Toothpaste

Whitening toothpaste contains abrasive particles that remove surface stains, and some include peroxide-based whitening agents. They are easy to use and can be purchased over the counter, but they may not be as effective as other methods and can take longer to produce results. For the best whitening toothpaste, you should read product reviews and consult your dentist.

It’s important to note that the effectiveness of different teeth whitening techniques can vary depending on individual factors, such as the level of discolouration and the desired level of whiteness. Consulting with a cosmetic dentist can help you determine the best treatment for you.

In-surgery professional teeth whitening is ideal for people who want quick and dramatic results, especially for special occasions such as weddings, graduations, or job interviews. However, in-surgery treatments can be expensive and may not be suitable for everyone, especially those with sensitive teeth.

At-home whitening trays are a popular and effective option for people who want to achieve professional-grade results at home. These trays are custom-fitted to your teeth. This ensures that the whitening gel is evenly applied and minimises the risk of gum irritation.

Teeth whitening at home can take longer to produce results and require a certain level of commitment to wearing the trays consistently.

Whitening strips are an affordable and convenient option for people who want to whiten their teeth without the hassle of trays or dental appointments. However, they may not be as effective as other methods and can cause tooth sensitivity.

Whitening toothpaste is a good option for people who want to maintain their whitening results between treatments or for those with mild discolouration. However, they may not be effective for people with more severe discolouration or stains.


There are a number of issues to consider when deciding on treatment. You will need to think about the cause of staining, how long treatment takes and will the effects last. There are also potential side effects and maintenance issues to consider. We will discuss these considerations below.

What are the causes of stains and discolouration? Can it be reversed?

Tooth discolouration can have several causes, including:

  1. Food and drinks such as coffee, tea, red wine, and berries can stain teeth.
  2. Smoking and other tobacco products can cause severe tooth discolouration.
  3. Inadequate brushing and flossing can lead to the buildup of plaque and tartar, which can cause tooth discolouration.
  4. As we age, the outer layer of the tooth (enamel) wears down, revealing the yellowish dentin underneath.
  5. Certain medications and chemotherapy drugs, can cause tooth discolouration as a side effect.
  6. Some people may be more prone to tooth discolouration due to genetic factors.
  7. Trauma to the tooth, such as a blow to the mouth, can cause the tooth to become discoloured.

The treatment of tooth discolouration depends on its cause and severity.

For mild surface stains, regular brushing, flossing, and professional dental cleanings can help remove the stains and prevent new ones from forming.

For more severe discolouration, teeth whitening treatments may be necessary to remove deeper stains.

In some cases, tooth discolouration may not be reversible, such as discolouration caused by certain medications or genetics. In these cases, cosmetic treatments such as veneers or bonding may be necessary to improve the appearance of the teeth.

How long does teeth whitening treatment take?

The length of time it takes to whiten teeth varies depending on the method used. In-surgery teeth whitening treatments typically take 1-2 hours, while at-home treatments can take anywhere from 30 minutes to several weeks.

In-surgery treatments often use high-concentration hydrogen peroxide in a teeth-whitening gel and a special light or laser to accelerate the whitening process.

Home treatments tend to use lower concentrations of peroxide and require daily application for several weeks to achieve noticeable results.

It’s important to note that the length of time it takes to whiten teeth also depends on the level of discolouration and the desired level of whiteness. Teeth that are severely discoloured may require multiple treatments or a longer treatment time to achieve optimal results.

Can teeth whitening be a repeatable treatment, can you update it?

If you want to update your teeth whitening results, you can repeat the treatment. However, it’s important to wait a certain amount of time between treatments to avoid damaging your teeth or gums.

Additionally, maintaining good oral hygiene habits and avoiding stain-causing foods and beverages can help extend the duration of your results. Using touch-up products, such as whitening toothpaste or at-home whitening treatments, will help maintain your results between treatments.

Side effects, What are the dangers of teeth whitening?

When done correctly and under the guidance of a teeth whitening dentist, the treatment is generally considered safe. However, there are some side effects and risks associated with it that should be considered:

  1. Tooth sensitivity: This is the most common side effect of teeth whitening. Whitening agents can irritate the nerves in the teeth, causing sensitivity to hot and cold temperatures.
  2. Gum irritation: Whitening agents can also irritate the gums, causing redness, swelling, and discomfort. This is more likely to occur if the whitening agent comes into contact with the gums.
  3. Enamel damage: Overuse of whitening agents or using them incorrectly can cause damage to the enamel, the outer layer of the tooth. This can make the teeth more susceptible to cavities and other dental problems.
  4. Uneven whitening: Teeth whitening may not produce uniform results, which can result in uneven or blotchy teeth.
  5. Irritation to existing dental work: Teeth whitening agents may not work on certain types of dental work, such as fillings or crowns, and can cause irritation or damage to these materials.

It’s important to always follow the instructions provided by the manufacturer or dental professional and to only use whitening agents that have been approved by dental associations or regulatory agencies.

Who can get teeth whitening treatment?

Not everyone is a candidate for teeth whitening. Teeth whitening is generally safe and effective for people with healthy teeth and gums who have stains or discoloured teeth. However, there are certain conditions and factors that may make teeth whitening unsuitable or less effective, including:

  1. Sensitive teeth or gums: People with sensitive teeth or gums may experience increased sensitivity or irritation after the teeth whitening treatment.
  2. Tooth decay or gum disease: Teeth whitening can worsen existing tooth decay or gum disease. It’s important to have any dental issues addressed before undergoing a whitening treatment.
  3. Restorations: Teeth whitening only affects natural teeth, so if you have dental restorations such as crowns, bridges, or veneers, the whitening agent will not change their colour. This can result in uneven or mismatched teeth.
  4. Age: Teeth naturally darken as we age, but some people may not be good candidates for teeth whitening due to the level of discolouration or age-related changes in the tooth structure.
  5. Medications: Certain medications, such as tetracycline antibiotics, can cause tooth discolouration that may not respond to whitening treatment.

What age issues are there with teeth whitening?

Teeth whitening is generally safe for people of all ages, but there are some age-related issues that should be taken into consideration:

  1. Baby teeth: Teeth whitening should not be performed on children with baby teeth. Baby teeth are naturally whiter than adult teeth, and whitening agents can damage the enamel of developing teeth.
  2. Adolescents: Teeth whitening is generally safe for adolescents, but it’s important to be cautious as their teeth and gums are still developing. Adolescents may be more prone to tooth sensitivity or irritation from whitening agents.
  3. Elderly individuals: Teeth naturally darken as we age, but the ageing process can also make teeth more susceptible to damage from whitening agents. 
  4. Pregnant or nursing women: The safety of teeth whitening during pregnancy or nursing has not been fully established. It’s generally recommended to avoid whitening agents during this time.

It’s always best to consult with a professional before starting any whitening treatment to determine if it is safe and appropriate for you. This is especially true for individuals who fall into the categories above.

How long does teeth whitening last?

The length of time teeth whitening lasts varies. It depends on the method used and individual factors such as lifestyle habits and oral hygiene. Generally, teeth whitening can last anywhere from a few months to a few years.

In-surgery professional teeth whitening treatments can last up to three years with proper maintenance and care. At-home treatments, such as whitening strips or trays, can last anywhere from a few months to a year.

However, the duration of teeth whitening may be affected by factors such as smoking, drinking coffee or tea, or consuming other staining substances. Maintaining good oral hygiene and avoiding habits that can stain your teeth can help prolong the results of teeth whitening.

How to keep your teeth white

Here are some tips to help keep your teeth white:

  1. Brush and floss regularly: Brush your teeth twice a day and floss daily to remove surface stains and prevent the buildup of plaque.
  2. Use a whitening toothpaste: Whitening toothpaste can help remove surface stains and prevent new ones from forming. Look for toothpaste that contains hydrogen peroxide or baking soda.
  3. Limit stain-causing foods and beverages: Coffee, tea, red wine, and dark-coloured fruits and vegetables can all contribute to tooth discolouration. Try to limit your intake of these foods and beverages, or rinse your mouth with water after consuming them.
  4. Drink plenty of water: Drinking water can help wash away food particles and bacteria that can cause tooth discolouration.
  5. Quit smoking: Smoking can cause severe tooth discolouration, so quitting smoking can help keep your teeth white.
  6. Get regular dental cleanings: Professional dental cleanings can help remove surface stains and prevent the buildup of plaque.
  7. Use at-home whitening treatments: At-home treatments, such as whitening strips or gels, can help remove deeper stains and maintain a brighter smile.

Remember, maintaining good oral hygiene habits and visiting a dental professional regularly is key to keeping your teeth healthy and white.


In conclusion, a brighter smile can boost confidence and improve the overall appearance. With several teeth whitening techniques available, it’s essential to consider factors such as cost, convenience, and effectiveness when choosing a method.

Always be mindful of the potential side effects and limitations of treatments. Whether you opt for an in-surgery treatment or an at-home procedure, consulting with a dental professional can help ensure the best results and a healthier, more radiant smile.

So, take the first step towards a brighter smile today!

Contact us for a free consultation